Monday 29 March 2010


da 2 hari xdpt sgt2... how dare all of this to me!!!!!!!!!!!! arg!!! aku da xlarat ar.. lalok..pening..dunia ni cm melayang je..arg! penat gak blaja ni..dlu sibuk nk sgt ble da dpt blaja merungut lak seriusly kali ni penat glr..xlart..sume xberhati perut... tension..smpai ngs tension last 2 days..sbb da terlmpau teruk ar tu..xtahan... byk nk kene setle n byk problem..wet lg ape lg..arg!! DAMN!!!
gaya baru SITI.... mcm2 gaya die pkai tdung..hmmmmm..biorla...

Saturday 27 March 2010


lame xjmpe family..rindu kat mak,adik,along,angah n emy..
da lame gak xjenguk kubur ayah...rindu sgt.. bz ye sem ni...rindu sgt nk jalan2, g mkan, xsempat...hukhukhuhkhkhhu.... I MISS U....

Thursday 25 March 2010 first time keje kat konsert DEWA!!! best gler... tp penat..but yg paling best skali bile dpt masuk n tgk konsert free..hahahahahah GREAT!!!
happy moment..ramai member n dpt wet..masyuk beb!!!

Wednesday 24 March 2010

ku dihalaman rindu....

Di tengah kepekatan malam
Berdiri aku di halaman rindu
Dihembus kenangan lalu
Menjelmalah seraut wajahS
ekuntum bunga yang pernah ku puja
Tapi layu akhirnya
Ingin ku tembus tembok silam
Dan membaiki kesilapan kita
Yang tiada kita rasa
Dahulu maaf tak bererti
Darah muda menguasai diri
Begitu mudah membenci
Ku di halaman rindu
Hanya berteman
Bunga yang layu
Ku di halaman rindu
Tiada harum
Tiada madu
Oh kesalku membeku di kalbu ( 2X )
Oh kasihku hanyalah untukmu
Oh sayangku penawar rinduku
huhuhuu..lagu ni my frend tujukan kat aku...i really appreciate it..siap nynyikan lg..even xsesedp artis tu tp not bad! happy sgt sbb we all happy!

hmmm. y???

Lost & Found

It's a great feeling to discover yourself after some soul searching. Who knew, silence was a life source?

Laid across a bed of roses
Paying no heed to the forgotten thorns
Pricking & bleeding her soul
Trivial they were, in the midst of heartache

A sudden flash, a meaning discovered
A lost feeling uncovered,
Lightness of her being greeting her
With open arms.
Thorns forgotten as they were
Open wounds nursed as fast
As the heartache subsides

Hope gives breath
Breath gives life
Life gives...
Endless miseries
Endless mysteries
Endless joys
My one true love, it is
Life, life and only life

How can miseries win?
How can pain celebrate?
When mysteries are begging to be uncovered
And joys waiting to be discovered
Leap to new boundaries,
My love waits for me
To take it to places new
Where limits don't exist
Beyond the shallow realms of my fears
But fears don't remain
Because my soul happily demeans it

Back on my feet, roses and thorns forgotten
Miles are to be crossed
Puzzles to be solved
And hearts to be taken...
And given to.


rase nk ngs je rase..arg!!!! god!!! please help me...

Ezad (Exists) & Eva (Iva Virginia)

Dua Insan
Bila kau senyum, ku gembira
Bila kau sedih, ku menangis
Bagai taman rindukan kembang
Ku rindu wajahmu oh sayang
Di mana saja kau berada
Ku kan tetap bersamamu
Walaupun jasadku jauh
Namun hati tetap padamu
Bila saja halangan menimpa
Kerna cinta ada ku tetap setia
Hanya dikau dan asmara
Membuat hidupku bagai dalam syurga
Biar masa berganti masa
Biar pun musim berganti musim
Telah kukatakan padamu oh sayang
Hanya kuasa Tuhan dapat memisahkan
Jika kau tanya pada rembulan
Mengapa cahaya berseri-seri
Nanti jawabnya kepada mu
Kerna dikau cinta padaku
Ku persembahkan kepada mu
Sekuntum bunga mawar merah
Kau terima sambil tersenyum
Kembang yang harum kau cium
Bila saja halangan menimpa
Kerna cinta ada ku tetap setia oh...
Hanya dikau dan asmara
Membuat hidupku bagai dalam syurga
Dua insan sedang bercinta
Dua insan berjanji setia
Telah kukatakan padamu oh sayang
Hanya kuasa Tuhan dapat memisahkan
Bila kau senyum, ku gembira
Bila kau sedih, ku menangis
Bagai taman rindukan kembang
Ku rindu wajahmu oh sayang
Di mana saja kau berada
Ku kan tetap bersamamu
Walaupun jasadku jauh
Namun hatiku tetap padamu
i love this song.... sweet... happy memory..i will remember everything when i hear this song.. thanks Honey...

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Love Letter to Japan

From the west to the east,
I have flown to be near you
I have come all this way to be close,
to be here with youAnd now,
all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved,
oh my sweet,
all the gifts you have given me
The patience and the peace,
cherry blossoms and the candyI am yours,
I am yours for as long,
for as long as you will have meDearest one,
I had a dream,
I mouthed the wordsThe sound came out,
I spoke to you in JapaneseOh my love,
I cannot see,
I heard your nameI know at once there was no place
I'd rather be
All at once there was no place that I would rather be
From the west to the east,
I have flown to be near you
I have come all this way to be close,
to be here with you
And now, all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feet
My beloved, oh my sweet,
all the gifts you have given me
The patience and the peace,
cherry blossoms and the candy
I am yours, I am yours,
for as long, for as long
as you will have me
I packed my bag, I'm on my way
I am prepared for any season,
I am prepared to stay
Here is my heart,
my beating heartOh,
I'm longing for this love affair to start
How I'm longing for this love affair to finally start
From the west to the east,
I have flown to be near youI have come all this way to be close,
to be here with youAnd now,
all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved,
oh my sweet,
all the gifts you have given me
The patience and the peace,
cherry blossoms and the candy
I am yours, I am yours
for as long, for as long
as you will have me
From the west to the east,
I have flown to be near you
I have come all this way to be close,
to be here with youAnd now,
all my heart I will lay down precisely at your feetMy beloved,
oh my sweet, all the gifts you have given me
The patience and the peace,
cherry blossoms and the candy
I am yours, I am yours for as long,
for as long as you will have meWest to the east,
all this way to be close,
all my heartMy beloved,
oh my sweet,
peaceI am yours, I am yours

Monday 15 March 2010

feel much better...

Today, I feel much, much better with my coughing. That is because I have been taking 2 kinds of medicines. One of them is OK, but the other one tastes really bitter :-( . But, I was brave and drank it right away. Now I barely cough any more! I am so, so glad :-) !

Saturday 13 March 2010

walking down the living lane

Walking down the living lane
A thousand sensations make me sane
Under watchful eyes
Does my consciousness rise
Judging or harmless looking
I don't know what's cooking
In their minds so fragile
Versus mine so agile?

A sudden bell rings
Little hands make them sing
A chuckle comes alive
From the arms of a senile

A hole in the living path
While the passing cart
Alike in my approach

Reach my destination
With some hesitation
A thousand different thoughts
Fails to ignite the distraught.

Friday 12 March 2010


Break Up Lines By Demetri Martin

"do you believe in love at first sight? how about misery in 3 years?

"that shirt looks good on you, you know what else would look good on you? my friend dave, i think you should go out with him"

"is it hot in here? or are you just suffocating me in this relationship?"

"when im with you, i feel 3lbs lighter, probably because you bore the shit out of me...and i had a big lunch"

"hey baby, are you being followed? because ive been seeing people behind your back"

"i didnt know angels flew this close to the ground, maybe thats because this angels gained a little weight since we've been going out"

"hey i was just wondering...are you doing push ups with your knees down? because im not sure if this is working out"

"do you have any greek in you? it was just a tactful way of asking you if you were pregnant. if youre not then lets break up"

"is there a new critically acclaimed movie called OTHER PEOPLE? because thats what i want to see...right now"

"are your feet tired? because youve been stomping on my dreams for a few months now"

-Demetri Martin

Monday 8 March 2010


da bape hari ni aku sakit kepale je...sakit gler2...cume aku blum gler lg la..still siuman..hahahah... raseye migrain la kot.. ntah..migrain tu ape sebenarye??

Migrain adalah nyeri kepala berdenyut yang kerapkali disertai mual, muntah. Penderita biasanya sensitif terhadap cahaya, suara, bahkan bau-bauan. Sakit kepala ini paling sering hanya mengenai satu sisi kepala saja, kadang-kadang berpindah ke sisi sebelahnya, tetapi dapat mengenai kedua sisi kepala sekaligus. Migrain kadang kala agak sulit dibedakan dengan sakit kepala jenis lain. Sakit kepala akibat gangguan pada sinus atau akibat ketegangan otot leher mempunyai gejala yang hampir sama dengan migrain.

Ada berapa macam migrain?
Migrain dibagi dalam dua golongon besar aitu :

Migrain Biasa (migrain tanpa aura) : Kebanyakan penderita migrain masuk ke dalam jenis ini. Migrain biasa ditandai dengan nyeri kepala berdenyut di salah satu sisi dengan intensitas yang sedang sampai berat dan semakin parah pada saat melakukan aktifitas. Migrain ini juga disertai mual, muntah, sensitif terhadap cahaya, suara, dan bau. Sakit kepala akan sembuh dalam 4 sampai 72 jam, sekalipun tidak diobati.

Migrain Klasik (migrain dengan aura ) : Pada jenis klasik, migrain biasanya didahului oleh suatu gejala yang dinamakan aura, yang terjadi dalam 30 menit sebelum timbul migrain. Migrain klasik merupakan 30% dari semua migrain.

Apa penyebab migrain?
Penyebab pasti migrain masih belum begitu jelas. Diperkirakan, adanya hiperaktiftas impuls listrik otak meningkatkan aliran darah di otak, akibatnya terjadi pelebaran pembuluh darah otak serta proses inflamasi. Pelebaran dan inflamasi ini menyebabkan timbulnya nyeri dan gejala yang lain, misalnya mual. Semakin berat inflamasi yang terjadi, semakin berat pula migrain yang diderita. Telah diketahui bahwa faktor genetik berperan terhadap timbulnya migrain.

Gejala lain :
- Kepekaan berlebihan terhadap sinar, suara, dan bau
- Mual dan muntah

Apa yang dapat mencetuskan migrain?
Migrain dapat dicetuskan oleh makanan, stres, dan perubahan aktivitas rutin harian, walaupun tidak jelas bagaimana dan mengapa hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan migrain. Pencetus migrain antara lain :
- Konsumsi makanan tertentu seperti coklat, MSG, dan kopi
- Tidur berlebihan atau kurang tidur
- Tidak makan
- Perubahan cuaca atau tekanan udara
- Stres atau tekanan emosi
- Bau yang sangat menyengat atau asap rokok
- Sinar yang sangat terang atau pantulan sinar matahari.

Siapa saja yang menderita migrain?
- Wanita dua sampai tiga kali lebih sering terkena migrain dibanding laki-laki. Migrain paling sering mengenai orang dewasa (umur antara 20 sampai 50 tahun), tetapi seiring bertambahnya umur, tingkat keparahan dan keseringan semakin menurun. Migrain biasanya banyak mengenai remaja. Bahkan, anak-anak pun dapat mengalami migrain, baik dengan atau tanpa aura.

Friday 5 March 2010

do you love???

Do you feel me loving you
Do you feel me touching you
Do you feel me wanting you
Do you feel me honestly loving you
But i do have this fear
Fear for loving you
Fear for wanting you
Fear for lossing you
Let me love you the way i do
Let me love you just the way you are
Let me love you where [...]

Wednesday 3 March 2010

cooking!!!! cooking!!!

hhaahhah...happy sebab time ni kteorg ade mase nk masak...kalau x mkan luar yg kelakar my housemate sibuk nk makan ayam ble goreng sampai hangus lak ne nk mkn??? korg nmpk x aym yg hitam kat pinggn pink tu?? hahahahha...tu la aym sib baik ade masakan aku yg sedap n boleh di makan tu..kalau x mkan la aym goreng ne nk kawen ni? cian laki diaorg ni...ahhahahah..lawak2..but at least ade gak effort nk masak tu..xpe2..boleh diterima..ceh! hahah...

Monday 1 March 2010


minggu yg penat sgt2...

assignment byk yg tergendala...xlarat nk still kene siapkan gak..bahan da ade..sume siap separuh je..arg!!! penat gak study ni kan..ble xdpt study sibuk nk ble da dpt study xlarat la manusia xpenah nk bersyukur ngn ape yg kte dapat..

hari2 ni la keje aku..wat assignment yg sume ni wat aku jd lebih matang utk hadapi hidup ni..."tuntutlh ilmu hingga ke negeri china"...jd selagi xdpt g china selagi tu la kene study...aik??? hahhahahaha...merapek..